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ShutterBox is a manga series published by TokyoPop and written by Tavisha Wolfgarth-Simons and her husband Rikki Simons (better known in the cartoon world as the voice of Gir from Invader Zim). Tavi is a fourth generation Japanese American (1/2) yonsei from the Los Angeles area who grew up in the 80s with KROQ (you LA folks know what I'm talking about). She has been drawing manga style for most of her life, and she really loves what she does for a living.
If you ever see Tavi and Rikki at an anime con, drop by their table and say hello. They are very good folks.
These are original manga layout pages hand drawn by Tavi on A-4 Deleter manga layout paper using Pilot Color Eno light blue pencil, then inked with .005 Sakura Pigma Micron Pens. The layouts are scanned, and Rikki applies the screentones and lettering using Photoshop. The finished layout is then sent over to the editor.