Red Eye
Black Blood Brothers-Storyboard

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"Eternal Ronin. Final Vengenance." That is the studio description of this great little anime gem. There are only 12 episodes, but the story was well developed. It had a good plot, a decent ending, and parts of it are quite funny. It is the story of two brother vampires, Jirou and Kotaro Mochizuki and their trip to a place known as the Special Zone. En route they meet up with Mimiko, an Order Coffin Company liason between humans and vampires. Jirou's past soon catches up to him and The Silver Blade is compelled to come out of retirement.

 Black Blood Brothers Episode 12


 Ep 12

 Ep 12
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Curator: Kaona
Gallery Created: 9/26/2007
Hits: 130590
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