Red Eye
**2010 Beta Sketch Awards**

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This year I designed the graphics for the 2010 Beta Sketch Awards. Under the direction of Rei the Jelly, I was asked to give the awards a summertime tropical feeling. Hawaii and all things Hawaiian are very near and dear to my heart, so I added in a bit of my own Japanese culture and the 2010 Beta Sketch Awards graphics were the result.

I hope you enjoyed your tour through the tropical awards as much as I enjoyed creating them for you!

Mahalo nui loa,

P.S. I scored this year! Now if it wasn't for that self proclaimed "trophy whore", I would have done even better. Curse you Trophy Whore (but thanks for letting me share your bed the other night ^__^).

 1st Place - Male

 2nd Place - Worst

 2nd Place - Storyboard

 3rd Place - Group

 3rd Place - Accessory

Curator: Kaona
Gallery Created: 9/26/2007
Hits: 130507
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